All About Arthur

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2014

As Fourth of July weekend approaches and hundreds of people head down the shore, it pays to keep an eye on the activity of Tropical Storm Arthur, which threatens to move north and become a full-blown hurricane. Here’s the rundown on where Arthur is headed and what that means for your holiday weekend.


At Present

As of 6 PM yesterday (July 1st), Arthur was hovering off the coast of Florida and gathering strength. The approach of a trough in the jet stream means that the storm will likely accelerate over the next couple of days.

Image courtesy of the NHC



What’s Next

A NOAA forecast predicts that the storm is likely to become a Category 1 hurricane when it moves northwest and collides with the Outer Banks of North Carolina, probably on Thursday night (July 3rd) into Friday evening (July 4th). Residents and visitors to that area can expect high winds (80 to 90 mph), heavy rains that could possibly lead to flooding, and strong rip currents that pull swimmers away from shore.  From North Carolina, Arthur is expected to travel roughly parallel with the northwestern Atlantic coast, eventually hitting Newfoundland as a subtropical storm.


What to Remember

The effects of tropical storms and hurricanes are not contained to one specific area. Even if forecasters are correct and the storm moves in a northeastern direction, Jersey shore beachgoers should expect higher tides and rougher waves throughout the weekend as Arthur passes by.

Forecasts are not exact, so be prepared! Even the most accurate predictions can only  identify a certain (fairly wide) radius in which the storm’s center may be at a given time. If Arthur follows a path further to the west than predicted, it could create dangerous conditions in coastal areas from the south up through New England.

Image courtesy of USA Today

How to Prepare 

–Be aware of your surroundings. If you’re staying at a beach house or rental property near the shore, determine the elevation level of the house and whether the land is flood-prone to determine how your property will be affected in the event of a storm surge or tidal flooding.

-Be sure trees and shrubs around your property are trimmed to be more wind resistant.

-Clear loose and clogged rain gutters and downspouts.

-As soon as winds pick up, bring in all outdoor furniture, decorations, garbage cans, and anything else that is not tied down securely.

-Keep a backup generator and battery-operated radio in case there is a power outage.

-Check weather reports and tide patterns before heading to the beach. If the surf is too rough, you and your family could be in serious danger.

– IF YOU ARE TOLD TO EVACUATE THE AREA, DO IT. Don’t hedge your bets on something so unpredictable and destructive.

6 Ways to Get a Ticket

Tuesday, June 24th, 2014

Nobody likes getting pulled over by a traffic cop. You can get ticketed for any number of reasons, from expired registration to speeding. What’s worse, a ticket often raises your car insurance rates (depending on the insurer and severity of the offense). So how can you avoid those red and blue lights in your rearview? Korrena Bailie of asked retired and current traffic cops what kinds of behavior they look for on duty, and the answers might surprise you.

1) Speed. Let’s start with an obvious one–if you’re driving faster than the posted speed limit, you’re likely to be pulled over. Although there’s no guarantee that you won’t be pulled over for going 5 to 7 mph over the speed limit, Mike Brucks, a retired traffic cop, attests that his first priority was that drivers were driving in a safe and controlled manner, so it’s less likely to happen if you’re driving with the flow of traffic.

2) Using a cellphone. We’ve all been there: you’re driving to work or an engagement and get an important phone call on your cell phone. Here’s a tip: don’t take it. Talking on the phone without a hands-free device like a bluetooth earpiece is a major red flag for traffic cops. In all but four states, a cop can pull you over for that offense alone. So next time you’re on the highway, leave your phone in the backseat and return any calls you get when you’re not on the road.

3) Reckless driving. Driving a car on the road is much more dangerous than driving one in a video game, so don’t drive like they’re the same! A traffic cop will consider your driving reckless if you drive dangerously with intent–not stopping at intersections, making illegal U-turns, not paying attention to yield signs, tailgating, speeding up to pass the driver ahead of you, etc. There’s no definitive list of what qualifies as reckless driving, so air on the side of caution; it’s up to the traffic cop to decide whether your driving is considered reckless.

4) Your car’s condition. The appearance of your car is often the first thing a traffic cop notices, just as your hairstyle and clothing choices make a first impression on people you meet. You can be considered in violation if your taillights, headlights, or turn signals don’t work, your windows are tinted too darkly, your windshield is cracked, your side or rearview mirrors are missing, items you’ve packed in a truck bed are in danger of falling out, your registration is expired and many more. According to one traffic cop, he gets suspicious when a vehicle’s tag lights are out because he wonders whether the driver is purposefully trying to hide his/her license plate. Don’t risk a ticket over an easy fix!

5) Driving in the fast lane. That’s right, simply driving in the far left lane of a highway or freeway may draw a traffic cop’s eye. In many states, it’s illegal to use the left lane for anything other than passing. Drivers tend to drive faster in the passing lane and if a traffic cop is on the median strip, it’s easy for him to pull you over.

6) Driving too slowly. We’re all familiar with speeding tickets, but the reverse applies as well–driving too slowly might get you pulled over because it signals to a traffic cop that you might be impaired or distracted. Even if neither applies, driving too slowly impedes traffic and is just as likely to cause accidents as driving too quickly. Luckily for all of us, none of these behaviors is particularly difficult to change. A few minor adjustments to your driving habits may end up saving you a lot of time and money!

The Science of Traffic Jams

Tuesday, June 24th, 2014

Everyone hates traffic jams. How much is there to understand about them? Actually, a lot. There’s a whole science behind it! Mathematicians have discovered some of the root causes, and one of them might be…you! Here’s a glimpse into the complex science of rush hour traffic.

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The Problem: Saturation

It may seem obvious, but most traffic jams are caused by oversaturation: the demand for space on the roads is greater than what’s available. Of course, there are other factors that play a role in jams, like weather and road work, but this post will focus on the issue of saturation.

Three Theories 

The butterfly effect theory claims that small disturbances, like a driver changing lanes, can create a sequence of events that slows everyone down (think of the butterfly effect in time travel). Other theories build on this claim.

The invisible waves theory claims that an invisible wave of congestion is created when the initial issue forces several rows of cars to stop. Those stopped cars in turn cause others behind them to stop, creating a ripple effect. The jam will not dissipate unless everyone is able to move at the same pace at once.

The tragedy of commons is an economic theory that claims that most jams are caused by opportunity cost. Since a majority of roads are free to use, people use them as much as the like, whenever they like, which causes congestion.

A Closer Look

Imagine this: on a typical, busy highway with traffic traveling at 55 mph, a driver makes a sudden turn into another lane. This forces the cars directly behind him to tap on their brakes to let him in, slowing them down to 50 mph. Consequently, the drivers behind those going 50 mph are forced to slow down to 50 mph. Consequently, the drivers behind those going 50 mph are forced to slow down to 45 mph in order to keep a safe distance. Drivers further back see all of the brake lights coming on and press their own brakes. Eventually, cars several rows back are forced to a crawl. The slowdown, called the “backward traveling wave,” continues backward through traffic, even though the lane change may have happened several minutes prior.

Image courtesy of


1) Ramp signaling–Traffic signals alert cars when they are allowed to merge with highway traffic, which prevents the highway from becoming saturated too quickly.

2) Bus lanes–Buses, which stop frequently and sometimes unpredictably, would be allocated their own lanes so as not to interfere with free-flowing traffic.

3) Reversible lanes–Certain stretches of a highway can be designated for traffic going in either direction, typically during rush hour.


*information provided by*

I Can Insure WHAT?!

Tuesday, June 17th, 2014

Nowadays, it’s more a matter of what you can’t insure than what you can. You can buy insurance for just about anything! There are the usual suspects–auto insurance, homeowners insurance, business insurance, renters insurance–but there are some wacky policies out there too. Here are a few policies you may never need or want, but may give you a good laugh.

1. Zombie Apocalypse Insurance

Did you think “The Walking Dead” was a documentary? Hopefully not, but just in case, there is insurance offering protection in the event of a zombie apocalypse. If you’re interested, you can head over to My Zombie Insurance and purchase a complete plan for just $9.99.

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2. Fantasy Football Insurance

When the Patriots’ Tom Brady experienced a season-ending knee injury in the opening game of the 2008 NFL season, a light bulb went off for two insurance agents. Anthony Giaccone and Henry Olszewski created Fantasy Sports Insurance (FSI) soon afterwards to give owners peace of mind in the event of player injury or suspension. Team owners can insure their players for $100 to $1000 with FSI. The lowest plan covers one key player who misses nine out of the first 16 NFL regular season games due to injury.

3. “Hole in One”  Insurance

According to a study by Golf Digest, The odds of an average golfer making a hole in one are 12,000 to 1. Still, sponsors are still not comfortable with those odds since the prize is usually a new car or stacks of cash. If a company ends up having to pay the prize, they may find themselves in a hole, too. Instead, they often take out insurance policies to protect against the chance that someone makes the shot.

4. Big Day Insurance

Newlyweds and their families spent an average of $28,427 on weddings and related events in 2012, according to statistics released by The Knot. Wedsure, the “Wedding Insurance Expert,” offers policies that cover financial loss ranging from a missing caterer to a change of heart. However, don’t expect a payout if you get left at the altar–that’s only for people who paid for the wedding.

Image courtesy of

5. Multiple Birth Insurance

From 1980 to 2009, the brith rate for twins in the US rose 76 percent, from almost 1.9% to about 3.3% of all births, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Lloyd’s of London, famous for having some of the oddest insurance policies, allows you to take out a policy against this surprise. If you are expecting a baby girl and have twins, triplets, or more, this policy will cover some of the extra expenses that come with raising multiple children.

6. David Beckham’s Bod

According to a study from FIFA, there are four injuries per one training hour and a team of 25 players can expect 50 injuries per season. It’s no wonder David Beckham took out a $151 million injury policy during his soccer career…on his entire body!

What do all of these policies have in common? They’re all based on statistics and probability. Each one provides protection in the event something happens and the companies that write them base their pricing  based upon the likelihood the purchaser will make a claim. Reliable insurance companies like the ones Agency by the Mall uses look at years of data to develop pricing for their insurance products…zombie apocalypse insurance is a little more subjective.



Vacation Travel Smarts

Thursday, June 12th, 2014

Make your vacation a great one!

Whether you’re planning a trip to a local attraction in Pennsylvania or headed all the way across the country this summer, you want your vacation to be relaxing. It’s a getaway from work, not to mention your everyday life. The team at Agency at the Mall has some tips–from packing smart to protecting yourself from pickpockets–to make your trip the best it can be.

Before you go

Even if you’re only headed across the state to Lancaster, a packing list is a must. How many times have you left your home and arrived at your destination, only to find that you forgot your most comfortable walking shoes? Or your swimsuit? Put everything on this list, even if you think you would never forget it. A toothbrush is easy to replace when you get there–your prescription medication isn’t.

Be sure that you have printed itineraries for everyone in your party, and make color copies of important ID documents as well. Keep the copies in your bag, separate from your passport and other IDs. It’s also a great idea for each person to have a list of emergency numbers, either for them to call or for someone else providing assistance.

Of course, packing light can make travel a lot more enjoyable. Who wants to lug 100 pounds of luggage through the airport? Not us. Here are some ideas to help you lighten the load:

  • Do laundry at your destination. Nobody wants to do laundry on vacation, but if you’re willing  to sacrifice a little time, you can pack far fewer items of clothing. If you won’t have access to facilities, you can wash clothes in a sink and hang them up to dry.
  • Easy on the shoes. If you can, pack only one or two pairs of shoes. It’s best to wear the heavier pair during travel if possible and pack the lighter one.
  • Ditch the books. Consider using an e-reader instead of packing actual books–that way you can carry hundreds of books on your trip! If you don’t own or want an e-reader, you can buy books once you reach your destination. Thrift shops are great places to find inexpensive books.
  • If flying, don’t check your bag. This will not only force you to take smaller pieces of luggage, but with most airlines charging checked-baggage fees, it will save you money! It saves you the hassle of baggage claim, too.

Image courtesy of

When you’re there

Once you arrive at your destination, it’s time to relax! But don’t let your guard down completely. After all, tourists are often targets for those looking to separate you from your money. We’re talking mainly about thieves, but don’t forget, you also lose money when yo’u spend more than needed. Here are some ways to protect your wallet from criminals and other money traps:

  • Don’t carry much cash. Most places accept credit cards, and those that don’t often have ATMs on site.
  • If you carry a wallet, keep it in your front pocket. For a purse, hang it across your body. Both will make it more difficult for a thief. You could also consider carrying a money belt, which is a good way to conceal cash and cards.
  • Staying at a hotel? Check to see if they have “resort fees.” More and more hotels are charging these, which often provide things that used to be included in your room rate (such as access to the  fitness center). Some will waive it if you complain–and it can be worth complaining because the fee can be $10-$25 each day.
  • Eating out too much? If your hotel room has a refrigerator, you can easily purchase and store sandwich ingredients for a cheap lunch or dinner. Many people find it more economical to rent a condominium or house for their vacation and cook most of their own meals. The money saved on restaurants can make up for any cost difference between a condo and hotel.
  • Think about travel insurance.  Yes, this costs money up front. But if you have a long and expensive vacation planned, travel insurance can end up saving you a lot of money if something goes wrong and you need to come home early or even cancel your entire trip. Depending on the coverage you purchase, you could receive reimbursement for additional airfare, hotel charges and more.

Image courtesy of


Finally, remember that you’re on vacation to relax and escape everyday life. So when you get there, get out there! Meet some locals, do some things off the beaten path. In fact, the locals usually have the best recommendations. And you just might make some new friends, too!


Why an Independent Agent?

Thursday, June 5th, 2014

Not all insurance agents are the same! Choosing the right one can make a big difference in price, service, and value.

With other agencies, you get one company that sells one brand of insurance. With an independent insurance agency like Agency by the Mall, you get choices.

Why? Because independent insurance agencies like Agency by the Mall represent a number of different insurance companies, and can compare coverage and prices to find the best possible value for your individual circumstances. As independent agents, we are a member of your community, and we’re committed to doing business face-to-face and being your advocate in times of need.

Serving Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware, here are a few reasons why Agency by the Mall should be your first and last stop when looking for insurance.

  • We work for you when you have a claim, and fight on your behalf to get fair compensation.
  • We are not beholden to any one company. This means you don’t have to change agencies as your insurance and service needs change.
  • We are your consultants, working with you to determine your needs.
  • We are value-hunters who look after your pocketbook in finding the best combination of price, coverage, and service.
  • We offer one-stop shopping for a full range of products, including home, renters, auto, business, health, life, retirement plans–even notary, tags, and registration!
  • We can periodically review your coverage to keep up with your changing insurance needs and ensure that you are only paying for what you need.
  • We treat you like a person, not a number.
  • We are committed to customer satisfaction–it’s the key to our livelihood.
  • We are licensed professionals with strong customer and community ties.
  • Candy, coffee, and a cozy atmosphere!

There is a difference between us and other agencies. To find out how our independent insurance agency can help you find the right insurance coverage, please contact Agency by the Mall. Give us a call at 610-543-3113.

Five Ways to Get Your Car Stolen

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014

Five sure-fire ways to get your car stolen

Most people would say that their car is one of the most valuable assets they own–if not the most valuable. Despite that, however, some people make it downright easy for thieves to drive off in their pride and joy.

At Agency by the Mall, we don’t want you coming home to an empty driveway or leaving Springfield Mall only to find some broken glass left behind in your parking space. So take care to avoid the following five mistakes:

1. Leave your car running…and unattended. We know how easy it can be to leave your car for just a few seconds to grab a cup of coffee, running over to the ATM or dropping off some mail. But a few seconds is all a thief needs to drive away in your car as you’re coming out of Wawa. If your car is running, you should be in it. Period. Even if you’re just running a quick errand.

2. Keep a spare set of keys inside the car.  Law enforcement officials say this is a great way to turn a car prowler into a car thief. They’re already breaking into your car to get a phone, laptop, etc. What do you think they’re g oing to do when they find a set of keys. Not drop them off on your porch with a nice note, that’s for sure.

3. Leave valuables in plain sight. Seems simple, but we’ve all made this mistake. After all, you’ll just be in the store for a second, so who cares if you leave your smartphone on the front seat? Or items from your other errands in the back seat? Be smart–if you have to leave items in your car, put them in the trunk, or at least hide them as best you can. And do it before you arrive at your next destination.

4. Leave your car unsecured. The best thieves can work wonders with a window that’s left open even just a crack. And even the worst thieves can steal a car that’s been left unlocked with no alarm set.

5. Assume nobody would want to steal your car. Think your car is too old or too undesirable for a thief to bother? Scrap metal is worth money, so never assume that your car is safe–even if you think it’s just a “junker.”


Keeping thieves away helps to keep everyone’s insurance costs down, so avoiding these mistakes will not only save you a hassle, but money as well! So stay safe, both on the roads and in the parking lots.

Contact Us!

At Agency by the Mall, we can work with you to make sure you’ve got the coverage you need , while at the same time using all possible credits and discounts to make that coverage affordable. Just give us a call at 610-543-3113, send us a note at, or fill out the Contact Us page on our website. We want to help you meet your goals and make sure what’s important to you is protected!

Keep Their Night Special: A Guide to Safe Driving on Prom Night

Thursday, May 29th, 2014

Statistics show that prom season–April, May, and June–is the most dangerous time for teens on the roads. One third of all alcohol-related collision fatalities involving teens each year occur during these months. On this, the eve of the Senior Prom at Strath Haven High School (located just a few minutes away from our Springfield location), we at Agency by the Mall want to offer some safe driving tips and reminders to ensure that all attendees have a safe and happy night.

Plan the evening. Make sure that both teens and parents/guardians know the itinerary, as well as the names and (if possible) contact information of  anyone else who will be at each location.

Have a constant line of contact. Make sure teens have a way of contacting their parent(s)/guardian(s) at all times. Teens should check in with their parents/guardians when they arrive at each of their planned destinations (prom venue, afterprom, etc.).

Set a curfew. Teens and parents/guardians should decide upon a reasonable hour at which they are expected to be home–not in transit. If teens plan on staying elsewhere overnight, parents/guardians should make sure that a responsible adult is enforcing a curfew.

Discuss how to handle difficult situations and make good choices, such as the pressure to drink or declining offers of rides with someone who shouldn’t be driving. Parent(s)/guardian(s) might want to bring up logical arguments against using illegal substances with their teens, such as reminding them of the memory loss associated with heavy drinking and many recreational drugs that could cause them to forget most of their night or the disciplinary action the school will take against any intoxicated individuals.

Institute a “no questions asked” policy. Agree that if teens call their parent(s)/guardian(s) at any time during the night to ask for a ride home because they don’t believe they can drive home safely, parent(s)/guardian(s) will pick them up and drive them home without asking questions like “Why did you call?” or “Are you drunk?” If parent(s)/guardians(s) cannot drive their teens home for any reason, they should offer them money for taxi fare and the number of a reliable taxi company. Parent(s)/guardian(s) may want to promise their teens that they will not be punished for their transgressions if they call for a ride or take a taxi instead of driving or getting a ride from someone who should not be driving.

Make sure teens wear seatbelts at all times when they are inside a vehicle.

Make sure teens don’t speed. 

Make sure teens are driving defensively. Parent(s)/guardian(s) should remind their teens about the danger of driving on prom night; even if they are driving safely, other drivers may not be, so they should watch out for unsafe drivers.

Make sure teens pay attention to the road when driving. Parent(s)/guardian(s) should remind teens that they should not be distracted by cell phones, radio, or other passengers.

We hope everyone has a memorable, fun and safe night!

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Helpful Links

Tuesday, May 27th, 2014

Helpful Links


Insurance Information Institute

A non-profit group sponsored by the insurance industry to provide general information about insurance. This is an excellent resource for unbiased information. You may order publications on the Insurance Information Institute website (link above). You may also follow this group on Twitter using the handle @iiiorg


Highway Loss Data Institute

Information on car theft, collision and injury listed by car make, model, and year. Also contains extensive highway safety tips and information.

Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

Excellent information and sobering statistics on automobile safety from an independent, non-profit organization.  Partnered with the Highway Loss Data Institute.


National Flood Insurance Program

Includes a wealth of information on how to insure homes against flooding. This site is hosted on the official web page for the Federal Emergency Management Agency.


The Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education

The Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education (LIFE) is a non-profit organization designed to address the public’s growing need for information and education on life, health, and disability  insurance. LIFE also seeks to remind people of the important role agents perform in helping families, businesses, and individuals find the insurance products that best fit their needs.


The Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety’s Disaster Safety

The Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety provides Disaster Safety for homeowners and small business owners as part of its overall mission of reducing property losses.


National Insurance Crime Bureau

A not-for-profit organization that partners with insurers and law enforcement agencies to facilitate the identification, detection and prosecution of insurance criminals. Site offers VINCheck, which lets people use a vehicle VIN number to determine whether the vehicle is an unrecovered, stolen, or salvaged vehicle.


Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Congress created the Occupational Safety and Health Administrartion (OSHA) to ensure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance.


Federal Trade Commission Identity Theft Site

This website is a one-stop national resource to learn about the crime of identity theft. It provides detailed information to help you deter, detect, and defend against identity theft.

Glossary of Insurance Terms

Thursday, May 22nd, 2014

We at Agency by the Mall know the language used by the insurance industry can be confusing. We want to make sure that you clearly understand your options and know precisely what you’re paying for.

Here are some terms we use for types of coverage. There are also a variety of other terms that might be unfamiliar to you. We hope this glossary helps make the world of insurance easier to understand.

Additional Living Expenses 

If you can’t live in your home because of a covered loss, your insurance company may pay the necessary increase in living expenses while damage is assessed and your home is repaired or rebuilt.

Broad Form Liability Coverage

Helps protect you from expenses related to injuries or property damage you or your watercraft cause in an accident. Some policies also cover certain accidental fuel spill liabilities and wreckage removal.


Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange is a claims history database that enables insurance companies to access consumer claims information when they are underwriting or rating an insurance companies to access consumer claims information when they are underwriting or rating an insurance policy. It typically contains up to five years of personal auto or personal property claims history. You can order a C.L.U.E. report from LexisNexis Personal Reports or call 1-866-312-8076. You may also request a copy from the seller of a home you are purchasing or thinking about purchasing.

Collision Coverage

This type of coverage pays to repair your auto, classic auto, motorcycle, RV damages caused by an accident. One of our agents can help you determine the limits you need based on the agreed value of your vehicle.

Comprehensive Coverage

This type of coverage pays to repair or replace your vehicle if it is stolen, vandalized or damaged in some way other than in a collision. It may include loss from fire, cracked windshields, floods, falling objects, and wind.

Custom Parts and Equipment Coverage

Many motorcycle owners like to customize their rides, and some policies pay for customized parts and equipment, often at no extra charge. Ask one of our agents for details.


When you get insurance, you agree to pay up to a certain amount out-of-pocket in case of a loss. This amount is called your deductible. The deductible you choose often affects how much you pay for your premium. For example, a higher deductible usually means a lower premium. In the case of a covered loss, you’ll only be required to pay your deductible, and the insurance company usually covers the rest, up to the applicable limit for that loss under your policy.

Emergency  and Roadside Assistance

For auto, boat and personal watercraft, emergency assistance pays for the cost of towing or emergency service. For RVs, it also covers housing and transportation costs if your RV becomes uninhabitable and covers the loss of personal property in your RV. Some policies also provide roadside assistance for motorcycles.

Excess Liability

Sometimes used interchangeably with “umbrella”, excess liability refers to extended liability coverage. This coverage is meant to supplement your insurance coverage if the damages exceed your liability coverage. Be sure to talk to one of our agents about what your excess liability covers.

Fidelity Coverage

Companies and businesses often purchase this coverage to protect them against loss from employee dishonesty (such as theft of money, equipment, or other assets).

Identity Theft

Identity theft occurs when someone steals your personal information and uses it to open accounts or incur charges without your permission. Thieves can access your personal information in a variety of ways, including stealing your personal mail, your wallet, or hacking your computer files. The thief then uses your identity to rack up debt in your name or to issue fake IDs.


Providing indemnity means to financially restore someone after a loss through payment, repair or replacement.

Insurance Score

A Credit Based Insurance Score (CBIS) is derived from information on your credit report. It is a number that measures likelihood of having an insurance claim–not a measure of credit worthiness. Insurers us CBIS along with a number of other factors including driving records, claims history, and the type of home or vehicle owned, to evaluate new and renewal auto and homeowner insurance policies. Most states have rules about how information can be used in insurance. Contact your state’s Department of Insurance for the latest information on your state’s rules.

Medical Coverage (Home)

This type of coverage covers medical expenses for guests if they are injured on your property, and, in certain cases, people who are injured off of your property. It does not cover healthcare costs for you or other members of your household.

Medical Coverage (Auto, Boat/Personal Watercraft, Motorcycle, RV)

This type of coverage provides medical expenses incurred from an accident for your passengers and yourself.

Liability and Personal Liability Coverage

For homeowners, this coverage applies if someone is injured or property is damaged and you are to blame. The coverage applies anywhere in the world. When choosing liability coverage for your home, auto, boat, personal watercraft, or RV, consider how much money you make and what you own. Your liability coverage should be high enough to protect your belongings if you are sued.

Personal Property Coverage

Your home is filled with furniture, clothes, sports  equipment, and other items that mean a lot to you. This coverage helps repair or replace these items if they are lost, stolen, or destroyed as a result of an insured event.

Personal Watercraft (PWC)

A personal watercraft (PWC) is as recreational watercraft that the rider sits or stands on, rather than inside of, as in a boat. Models have an inboard engine driving a pump jet that has a screw-shaped impeller to create thrust for propulsion and steering.


Simply put, a premium is the payment you make in exchange for one term of policy coverage. The higher the premium, the lower the deductible.

Property or Dwelling Coverage

This type of coverage typically pays to repair or rebuild your home if it’s damaged or destroyed by an insured event.

Scheduled Personal Property Coverage

If you have special possessions such as jewelry, art, antiques or collectibles, you may want to talk to one of our agents about this additional coverage.

Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance is the coverage that may kick in when your losses under other insurance policies, such as homeowner’s and auto coverage, have exceeded policy limits.


Underwriting is the process of assessing risks  when deciding whether to issue a policy of insurance.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage

This type of coverage pays for damages associated with bodily injury or death from an accident caused by an uninsured, underinsured, or hit-and-run driver, as defined by the law in the jurisdiction where the accident occurred, who is at fault.

Unattached Equipment Coverage

This type of coverage pays to repair or replace equipment that isn’t permanently attached to your boat or personal watercraft. This includes items like life jackets and water-skis.


For a FREE Quote call 610-543-3113 or email or text 610-405-2921.

Agency by the Mall | 1301 Baltimore Pike - Springfield, PA 19064